What the Bleep Is Channeling? A Channeled Answer.
TL;DR: It doesn't matter, what matters is if it can help you.
Since I am channeling a high-level guide here (Niv), I thought it might be interesting for our audience to find out more about what channeling is. Here’s my definition:
Channeling is a process whereby one can gain wisdom from higher (different) realms. The advantage of this is that it can give you a different perspective.
However, why not go to the horse’s mouth for information? And who would be better equipped to describe what channeling is than someone who is being channeled? So, I asked Niv to provide their perspective.
Spoiler alert: They don’t seem particularly interested in theoretical discussions.
A Channeled Explanation of What Channeling Is
I’ll share a summary of what Niv shared, as well as the audio recording and a transcript of our channeling session so you can decide how deeply you want to explore this.
Also, Niv has now given me the green light to start offering channeling sessions. If you would like to get personalized channeled guidance, you can find out more about that here.
It doesn’t matter what channeling is, what matters is that it can help you. (This, by the way, is true for experiences and situations in general).
If channeling is helpful depends on who and what is being channeled.
You can channel many things, including your soul and your future self. Channeling your soul is particularly easy.
You are already channeling. When you experience an intuition or a hunch, that is you channeling your soul.
Channeling—whether you channel yourself or engage with channeled material—is helpful to you if it makes you feel good and improves your life. (Basically, judge the tree by its fruits).
You can think of high-level guides (like Niv) as your non-physical friends who want to help you grow and live your best life.
A guide needs a human ally (the “channel”) to bring their messages to people.
Channeling a guide is different from channeling your soul. While a guide can provide information that applies to a group of people (for instance, everyone who feels drawn to the material), your soul gives you insights that are specifically relevant to you.
You can also often get more conceptual information from a guide than from your soul.
If you don’t yet fully trust your capacity to channel your own soul, it can be helpful to get information presented to you by a guide. Your soul can then decide which of that information is particularly relevant to you.
Audio recording:
(Please don’t listen to this while driving or doing anything else that requires your attention. If you want to listen at a higher speed, click on where it says 1x on the left.)
This is actually a topic that is fairly boring to us.
The short answer is that channeling is a bit like translation, which many of you might already know. The slightly longer answer is that channeling is a process of translating ideas into something more concrete, more material by filtering it down into the more physical layers of reality.
What is more interesting to us than talking about what channeling is, is to talk about how channeling can be useful for you. That's always the crux, isn't it? Asking what something is doesn't really change anything. Asking what something can do for you gets you in the process of changing things.
So how can channeling help you change? Well, it's a really great way of getting a different perspective on the human existence in general—so for everyone—and then also hearing insights that are important to you specifically. For when Bere channels me, I am connecting with the readers and listeners who may be drawn to this. So channeling is a process, whether you do it or whether you're just engaging with the material here, that can help you get a broader perspective.
And of course, a lot of it depends on who is getting channeled.
So you want to make sure that when you listen to channeled material that there is a resonance, that it feels good to you to listen to it, that it has a positive impact on your life. In that regard, channeling really is no different from anything else in your life, where it also makes sense to look for activities and people that make you feel good, right?, and then that help you improve your life.
So really, you can just think of us as your non-physical friends. Kids are very good at having imaginary friends, and we want to show you we're not imaginary and we're just not physical.
Now, is there anything else that wants to be said about channeling at this time? We really encourage you to give it a try, actually. I think it's the best way to try. For you already channel at different times. And channeling doesn't have to look like what it looks right here. It can even just be an inspiration in your channeling. So you don't need to channel a guide like myself.
You can also channel your soul, your future self. And what you need for that is a clear intention and a why.
Why do you want that? For the upliftment that it can give you. And then, this is particularly clear with your soul, you will notice it's speaking to you in a way that feels good, like by giving you hunches or intuitions, subtle things, really. So in a way, your intuition is you channeling your higher perspective. You are already channeling all the time.
As a guide, I'm a little bit different in that I can give more concrete feedback on certain things. You could do the same thing with your soul, but for that, you would need to learn how to do a bit more of a formal channel than the informal intuition that pretty much everyone is doing.
So as a guide, I can give feedback or perspectives to different people versus when you channel your own soul, that was wisdom, is generally only applicable to you. So that's one of the differences between a high level guide and high level guides are beings. They're like non-physical teachers who are really interested in helping you grow and helping you live your best life. They really want you to be happy. And because we’re in the non-physical, the way we can support you is through ideas. And we often need human allies to get that message across.
So to summarize this, you're already channeling. And generally what you're channeling is your soul, and that is super positive and super helpful. If something feels good, generally good, then you can often assume that it's coming from your soul.
Channeling guides, like what is happening here, can help you make your life better because you can often get concrete information about human existence. So it can be more conceptual sometimes than discussing things with your soul. And it can also be helpful if you're not yet trusting your capacity to connect with your soul so much or you're not trusting the information you're getting, then it can be really helpful to have someone else put things out there. And you can just see as you're engaging with the material we're presenting here, what really lights you up for. If it lights you up, that's your soul talking to you, you see?
So with all that being said, my friends, it was a pleasure connecting with you. And I look forward to connecting with you very, very soon. Bye for now.