How Can You Experience More Happiness and Joy Right Now?
A channeled meditative experience to put you in a good mood.
Today, Niv (the high-level guide I’m channeling here and in private sessions) wanted to talk about how we can experience more happiness and joy in our lives. They actually provided a meditative experience designed to put us into a good mood.
Listen or read a transcript of what Niv would like to share about happiness and joy at this time.
Mood-Boosting Meditative Experience:
Audio recording
Only listen to this if it’s safe for you to close your eyes and give it your full attention. :)
Today, we want to speak to you about happiness, for happiness is such an enlivening emotion. It's something that can restore your mind, body, and soul, spirit, and soul. It can connect you with your higher good. It can even help you find your path forward.
Happiness opens many, many roads, many, many pathways. And of course, happiness is very connected to the path of joyful growth.
So how then do joy and happiness differ? Well, happiness is in some ways a bit more of an everyday common emotion, at least how you use the term. It's more common to say “I'm happy” than to say “I'm joyful”. So in some ways, joy can be seen as having a higher frequency than happiness. But it really does not matter.
You can start where you are and experience happiness, and then gradually have that turn all the way up into joy. And that, my friend, would be a great use of your time!
So shall we help you get into a happier, more joyful mood right now? Yes? Well, then sit back and enjoy the show!
All right. So if you're in a safe place and can close your eyes and can focus on what you are experiencing right now, the way you feel in your body, the way you are here, now.
There may be things you prefer were different, but there are likely also things you really want to keep as they are. Focus on those.
For a moment, imagine a portal opening up. And through that portal peeks, however you conceive of the wholeness that is everything—Universe, Source, God, the Divine, the Absolute, whichever name you prefer. We are quite fond of the term Source.
Now imagine Source peeking through this portal and regarding you, little human sitting here or lying or whatever posture you've assumed for now and going through this exercise.
And now, for a moment, imagine how Source might look upon you. Like the most loving parent imaginable, beaming with pride over how far you have come.
For, regardless how you feel about your life right now, being here now and being and what I can only presume is a physical body is an accomplishment and is a great platform from which to grow further.
So let Source look upon you through the eyes of love and allow yourself to be gazed at that way. And it's all right if you only receive a fraction of that infinite love Source has for you right now. Even a beam of sunshine can be warming. Right?
So sit and allow. And as you do, you will notice natural wellbeing arising within you. For the truth is that happiness and joy is actually a very natural expression of your life force, your life energy. And while that is not to say that sadness or other emotions are unnatural, it is to say that happiness and joy is a much more common state than it is generally treated in society.
One way to experience more happiness in your life is to realize that this is your natural set point. Being happy and well is actually normal. This is what normal feels like. If you feel happy right now, this is normal.
And it's also normal to not feel happy. It's just not... How shall we put it? Your regular calibration. You calibrate it to the vibration of happiness and joy.
And it's normal to deviate from that from time to time, like instruments can get out of tune, but this, happiness and joy, that's what perfect tune looks like. That's when you're at your best, when you're at your most brilliant, when you're at your most productive, when you're most in flow, when you're funny, and you're just like a joy to be with and people are drawn to you and good things happen to you.
And life gets better and better and better and better and better and better and better. Better. Better. Better. And better.
So the point is, you can start experiencing more joy and more happiness by seeing this as your birthright. It's as natural as breathing. And yeah, sure, you might sometimes hold your breath, for instance, if you're diving underwater. But that doesn't change the fact that breathing is normal, just as feeling happy as normal.
This really is you. Your happy, joyful self, that's the fullest expression of you. And if you're going through a rough time and maybe you're feeling grief and sadness, know that you're still being so very loved through all of that. The sky appears blue to you, and yet that does not mean that there aren't days when it's clouded over or rainy, like it is outside the room where we're recording this right now.
So sadness and grief are like temporary weather phenomenon. They don't mean that you're doing anything wrong. And it's still possible to experience certain loving feelings in the midst of that, such as self-love and self-compassion.
No matter what is going on, you can always love yourself. And that, my friend, is another excellent way of experiencing more joy and happiness in your life.
So begin practicing this. You can re-listen to this anytime you like, and I'll speak to you again very, very soon.