Audience Questions 2023 (Updated)
Channeled wisdom to help you grow and evolve in joyful ways.
We are open to questions from the audience!
To ask Niv (the high-level guide I’m channeling in this publication and in private sessions) a question, please comment below or send me a private message. I will update this post as new messages become available.
Questions and Answers (Audio & Transcript)
Don’t listen to the audio recordings while driving or doing other things that require your attention. These answer are meant to help you with your spiritual growth. They are not a substitute for legal, medical, financial, business, mental health, or other professional advice.
“What is Whole Being Awakening? Is it really special? How does it lie in the context of a larger soul awakening?”
Note from Bere: Whole Being Awakening is a specific form of awakening in the Waking Down in Mutuality/Trillium Awakening school. However, the answer Niv gives might be relevant to anyone who has experienced any form of awakening.
The first thing we would like to let you know is that ultimately, there are as many forms of awakening as there are people to experience the awakening, and even more— for a single being can experience and often does experience various forms of awakening.
In a way, terms such as awakening are misnomers.
For it implies that you are asleep in a dream, and then something happens and suddenly you are awake, when it is more often the case that there are various stages of sleepiness, if we want to put it that way, and being aware of a wider reality.
In your situation specifically, the Whole Being Awakening, played a significant role. And it probably helped that there was a community attached to it. At the same time, we would encourage you not to identify too strongly with these things for your whole Being is already awakened, has always been awakened, if we even want to use this term, which we would prefer not to. But if we want to use such a term, then your Being has always been aware of its wider perspective.
Now, the smaller you, the you that you and everyone else is more likely to identify with, the you that responds to your name and has a label… many labels, actually, not just one, and might have a job or a partner, or a house, or a dog, or all of the above, or none of the above, that part of you can indeed wake up to the bigger perspective of your soul.
You are well along on that process, and that process, to give away the ending, that process is going to continue for the rest of your physical life.
And that's a good thing, because otherwise, you would get really bored. So this question around is this Whole Being Awakening special? It's special. It is special to you, and that's what counts. It is special to many of those who encounter it. It is a beautiful addition, a beautiful contribution to the stream of consciousness. It has brought many blessings into your lives and into the lives of others—including, we feel compelled to add, to this channel that we're presently using.
We think this answers your question. And we would encourage you to trust your own perspectives on this. You are the best judge. Or maybe we should use a different word than judge. The best... The limitations of human language. You are the best person to assess whether the Whole Being Awakening has been special to you and what special means.
This awakening is not better or worse than other paths. It is what was right in your path. It is what was right for you. And one of the things that was so beautiful about this is the people it brought into your lives. That is something that you got from this, and that was very special.
Now, going forward, we would encourage you to stay less on the questioning level and drop more into the experiencing level.
You have transcended being a seeker.
And part of the question you were asking us still had this seeking mindset. What is it? Is it special?
It does not matter what it is. What matters is that you are here. You are now, you are. That's what really matters. You in this moment and in this moment and in this moment and in this moment, and in this moment, and in this moment, and in this moment, and in this moment, in this moment, that's what matters.
Your experience right now matters.
Your dreams and your desires and your goals and your hang-ups and your quirks and the funny things, that matters. And that's what you came here to experience—life, life and all of its wonder and depth and color.
So, my friend, it's time to live the awakened life.
What are you going to do with it? That answer will present the answer. That answer, the answer to the question—what will you do with it? What will you do now?—will present you with your next logical step.
And the one after that, the one after that, the one after that. We bid you good day, good evening, good night for now and look forward to talking to you again very soon.
“What happened during my solar return? What lessons am I meant to learn?”
Note from Bere: This might also be helpful for other people who have gone through a challenging time in the past and want to understand what happened.
You are asking a question about a specific time in your life. And while this time now belongs to what we call the past, there is still an energetic imprint that has carried forward from the time.
We see that you have a desire to understand and that is very good for often once a situation is understood and the lessons are integrated, it is possible to let the negativity that may have been associated with it go.
So what happened during your solar return? What we see is that there was a reckoning of sorts that happened and that you were faced with many, many challenging situations that you had to overcome.
Now, had these situations happened at another point in your life, they could have gone very different. You see, it was the combination of the situation and where you were in your development that brought forward the challenges that you were struggling with. In a way, it was born from your own desire to break through and to put your reality on more solid footing.
Because of where you were, these changes were fairly challenging.
You have since learnt, and this is something that almost every human has to learn, you have since learned how to create change in less dramatic ways where you do not need to be metaphorically kicked to the ground and get up and get up and get up again.
In a way, this was a working through karma. Now we do not like the word karma for it doesn't have to exist. But with where you were developmentally back then, the idea of karma was true for you. And there was almost a sense of guilt. It felt like you had to earn your keep.
Now, there are two things that happened. One that is very positive, which is that you realize that you can create your reality and you did create your reality and you got something that you wanted, which is the more solid footing.
The other aspect that also created the situation is something that could be let go of. And it is this belief of life being hard, which you may have taken on from your ancestors and, of course, the culture around you. So in terms of lessons that you learned, forget about lessons.
You do not need to learn lessons. You're not here to learn lessons. You're here to enjoy and to have the life you want to have. If you want to learn lessons, you can have them. But you could also decide that high school is over and you now get to have the graduate experience in this university we call life.
In terms of the energetic imprint that you still have, it would be beneficial to find a way to let that go. To realize that that was then—and now is now. This is no more real than something that may have happened to you in a different lifetime. It is not happening to the you that you are now. It contributed to who you are now. And you would be a magnificent person even without this.
So if there's one thing we can recommend that you do learn from this if you want a lesson, it's “don't make it hard for you”.
You don't need to learn the hard way. You don't need to change the hard way. There's an easy smooth path to growth. And we encourage you to take that one. For you will continue to grow and grow and grow and grow. So why not learn how to grow in a way that is joyful and fun?
You have already gotten much, much closer to that path than you have been in the past. So now we just urge you to fully step on that path and commit to growing in a way that really feels good, that really feels joyful, that feels easeful, that helps you relax in your body, in your nervous system.
That really feels like an expansion of your being.
The hard part is over and it can be over any time you decide it is over. For if there is a curriculum, you are the one setting the curriculum. If you do not like the curriculum, you can change it.
So if you decided to change your life's curriculum, we would suggest that you include topics such as, Joyful Growth 101 and then the advanced classes and maybe something along the lines of how to enjoy life to the fullest, how to make life better every day, every week, every month, every year, every decade, every lifetime.
There may still be some fear left over from that experience. And we encourage you to let go of that fear, for it does not serve you. It does not serve you to worry about something that has already happened in the past.
The worst thing that you are fearing has already happened and that can actually be relaxing in a way. For it happened, it is in the past, it is not now. You do not have to fear it, for you've already lived through it. We urge you to turn to what's coming ahead with anticipation and excitement, thinking about what it is that you do want, being careful to build things one step at a time and having the thing that humans really do not like.
It's called patience. You might have heard of it. I know. There is no hurry.
There is no hurry. For you are eternal. And so, there's really no hurry at all.
Each day, find something to enjoy. And that, my friend, will serve you really, really well. We leave you with that one assignment to enjoy and please leave the past where it is, so you can have the present that you would like to have.